Coffee On Cue | FAQs

How does your pricing work?

Written by Ryan Spaccavento | Jul 13, 2019 2:08:18 AM

Our pricing is based on a number of factors

  • Hours of service required (which is then inclusive of X number of cups)
  • Number of cups required (which is served in a service period of X)
  • Location

We have developed a tiered pricing structure with several packages available to you which takes all of these factors into consideration.

***Pricing can be adjusted to meet specific requirements

Should your event requirements not fit in with our pre-prepared packages eg. you require a low number or cups over a longer service time, or you require a large volume of cups in a short period of time, our sales team can work with you to tailor a package that works in line with your needs.

Our pricing is inclusive of

  • Coffee cart dressed in black fabric with options for partial or full branding available
  • Highly trained professional barista in full hospitality blacks
  • Coffee beans (roasted by us), T2 tea, hot chocolate, milk, sugar, stirrers
  • Biopak biodegradable cups and lids
  • Full cafe beverage menu
  • All logistics


  • Pricing is based on the full duration of hours between the start of the service time until the end, including breaks in service
  • Additional barista/s are charged on a half day or full day basis, extra on weekends
  • A 15% surcharge will be added to weekend bookings
  • Minimum weekend booking duration is 3 hours
  • We can provide marquee and generator should you require it, at extra cost
  • Because our packages are all inclusive, we do not discount if you prefer to supply your own product/s