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Ryan Spaccavento March 12, 2015

If you’re focusing on these questions, then you’re doing the people that will be attending your booth a big disservice. Perfect trade show coffee is not found in a single serve packet, and by trying to give booth staff an easy solution, you are missing out on a real opportunity to provide something that will leave a positive, lasting impression.

More People Love Good Coffee

The whole world has gone coffee mad! One of the most expensive coffees (Kopi Luwak) comes from a bean that has been digested by the Asian Palm Civet and is then collected after being excreted (ew!). Some people, it seems, will do just about anything to get great coffee, so why not take advantage of that fact and use it in your next trade show event?

The simplest way to achieve this is to hire a mobile coffee cart for your next trade show. This allows you to have perfect, café quality coffee available on demand. It also means that everything is taken care of so that you and your staff have no additional burden. Well, except for that massive crowd lining up outside your booth!

Improve Your Image

This is a low cost way to make a positive impression on everyone at the trade show.  The great smell of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the venue attracts people to your booth. This makes your booth attractive to other people because it’s perceived to be popular. This is the same effect that a full restaurant or bar does in attracting people, while an empty one is often left alone.

Having the perfect trade show coffee to offer visitors to your booth creates a great first impression and also associates your message and products with a positive user experience. These days it's important to look at the full image of your chosen coffee cart. Be sure to look at solutions that can include your companies brand and marketing messages. Consider looking at branded coffee cups, branded coffee machine or even baristas with your companies logo on their uniform. It’s one of the smartest ways to market a business at a trade show, and unlike many of the other favourite marketing tricks, it has no negative connotations and appeals to both men and women.

Who Can Help You?

The best place to find out more about smarter coffee options for trade shows and corporate events is to contact Coffee On Cue. We have all the information about mobile baristas in Victoria and other parts of Australia. So why not contact us now!

