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Ryan Spaccavento March 12, 2015

A corporate event can be an empowering and enjoyable experience that invigorates all participants, or it can be a boring talkfest that is ineffective and dreary. There are dozens of things you can do that can tip your event from good to bad and from boring to enjoyable. Coffee is one of those things that can tip your event in either direction, and while it might seem like a minor detail, it can have a dramatic effect on how your event is perceived.

Here’s how you could be turning away clients from your corporate events:

1.      NO COFFEE

When you don’t provide coffee catering, you end up alienating a large portion of your participants that drink coffee regularly throughout the day. Folks seeking coffee will often go outside of the venue to get their fix. The lack of a ‘pick me up’ also means that they are going to be less inclined to listen and participate in your event, so offering no coffee is definitely not the way to run a successful corporate event.


Providing bad coffee is like saying to your clients that you don’t value or respect them or the time they’ve taken to come to your event. You can guarantee that the topic of conversation will not be about your new product or sales promotion, but about how bad the coffee is and how it ranks on the all time worst coffee list provided at a corporate event!


Good coffee takes time to prepare and serve and unless you have an unlimited number of properly trained staff, then is it the wisest action to have the staff you do have wasting time preparing and serving poor coffee instead of selling your message and product?

4.     SAME AGAIN?

Are you planning another event just like the last one, at the same venue and with the same seating and refreshments? This is not the way to grab people’s attention. Take some risks and make some changes. Consider corporate coffee catering from Coffee On Cue (the best coffe cart Melbourne has to offer) for starters, and try a new venue and a different event theme. The aim is to provide a new experience at each event, particularly if you’re inviting existing customers.


When you provide catered sandwiches and disposable cups of low-grade instant coffee, you run the risk of presenting a sub-par image. Is this the image that you think your clients will appreciate, leading them to engage with your service or product? Instead, hire a coffee cart that supplies quality, locally roasted specialty coffee to bolster your image and impression to clients.

There are options in presenting a coffee solution that solves all of these problems at a reasonable cost. Coffee on Cue can help to make your next corporate event a success through lifting your image for existing clients and creating warm introductions for new clients.

